Deckel Digi-Tast D25 Touch-Probe-Digitizer for Digitizing-System

Deckel Digi-Tast D25 Touch-Probe-Digitizer for Digitizing-System
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Deckel Digi-Tast D25 Touch-Probe-Digitizer for Digitizing-System
Deckel Digi-Tast D25 Touch-Probe-Digitizer for Digitizing-System
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Manufacturer: Deckel
More products of: Deckel

Products description

Deckel Digi-Tast Touch-Probe-Digitizer for Digitizing-System

Typ: D25

Bestell-Nummer: 6026 000025

Spindelaufnahme: SK40

Anzugbolzen: DIN2080, auswechselbar

Weight: 3,5Kg

Scope of delivery: Digi-Tast Tastkopf, Taststift mit Rubinkugel (6mm), Reduzierhülse, Inbusschlüssel, Holzkoffer.

This Product was added to our catalogue on 05/02/2023.

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