Deckel NRP04 Axis-Calculator- / Axis-Counter-Board
Grundig Nr. NRP04: 44209-770.07, 44209-774.07
NRP04: 44206-772.07
Board come without Software EProm!
The specified exchange or repair price is valid for modules with a maximum of 2 defective measuring circuit inputs!
In the case of damaged PLCC sockets, the repair or replacement costs increase by € 150.00 per damaged socket.
Many defects on the NRP04 card can be traced back to worn power supplies. When replacing
the NRP04 assembly, the NSV02 should definitely be overhauled or replaced.
ACHTUNG: §9 der AGB´s beachten! Ansonsten nur Reparatur nach Aufwand möglich bzw. Nachbelastung zum Kaufpreis.
Error Message on Screen:
LED not Ready an der NRP04 (beim Selbsttest zeigt der Monitor TKQ 0000 oder TKQ 1016
an und es erscheint "Selbsttest gestoppt : zu viele Fehler"
This Product was added to our catalogue on 12/02/2017.